(Classes 1 to 3)

The Computer Club and Western Music Club presented their assembly on 19th November 2019. The students of Computer Club staged a play about different types of keys present in the keyboard. The play was engaging as well as informative as the children knew about the use of different types of keys such as alphabet keys, numeric keys, delete key etc. through the play. After the play, the children presented a song about the keyboard. The song was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

The students of Western Music Club sang a song “Be Careful Little Eyes, What You See” followed by a duet song, ‘He Is My Everything’ by the students of class 3. It was indeed a melodious song.

All the students enjoyed the assembly.



The  students of Computer club and Science club presented the interactive assembly on 18th December 2018.  They started the programme with a wonderful dance based on parts of the computer and their functions.

The Science Club students showed what is gravity through a play on the great scientist Sir Isaac Newton followed by the activities such as  balloon rocket and moving butterfly.

The programme ended with Computer quiz and Science quiz.

The students enjoyed the assembly. They  actively participated by giving logic behind the science activities. They participated enthusiastically in the quiz.


Computer Club (Classes 1-3) 


Computer clubs is a way for the students to share their passion for technology. This is a great medium to engage new and young students who are anxious in computer science classes and make them learn how to handle computer and its parts properly.

This club teaches the learners to use TuxPaint, Gcomprice, Tuxtyping, Ms-Paint, WordPad and Ms-Word effectively and creatively to enhance their knowledge.

The session began with an audio visual presentation on how to start and shut down a computer in a proper way.

Some of the activities done so far are:-

  • Draw natural and manmade things in TuxPaint.
  • Draw different types of computer in TuxPaint.
  • Draw input and output devices.
  • Draw different types of dresses we wear in different seasons.
  • Poster on Road safety.
  • Poster on save water.


The Computer Club Report

(Session- 2017-18)

The computer club of classes 1-3 provides hands-on-experience to the students in the subject computer. They work on different softwares such as Tux Paint, G- comprise, WordPad etc

In Tux Paint -  The little hands work on Tux paint with different shapes like circle, triangle etc which enables them to explore their creativity. The teachers select the themes as per the ongoing month, which may include current events and special events

In G Compris - They try their little hands on various educational games on G Compris which include all the skills required to develop their little brains.

In WordPad - The children are also encouraged to work on WordPad. Some of the activities done so far are:- paragraph writing on ‘Myself ’ and ‘My favourite game’ of computer lab etc.  


The Computer Club Report

(Session- 2016-17)

The Computer club for Classes 1, 2 and 3 has the aim to train the very young learners to be able to handle computer and its parts properly. They are taught here the basic skills and etiquettes of using computer along with few softwares which promote the logical thinking, the creativity, the arithmetic skills and  problem solving skills of these young brains. The children work on Tux paint ,  G compris and  Wordpad. The session began with an audio visual presentation on the history of computers where in the children were made aware of the very first calculating machines known as first generation till the third generation modern computers.  

 In Tux Paint  - The little hands work upon Tux paint which enables them to explore their creativity. The teachers select the themes as per the ongoing month, which may include current events and special events for example -August- Independence day. These children also explore the various creative tools of tux paint to draw sceneries for the given theme and to give special effects. they use effects of rain, rainbow, ripples, blur, twin, grass, types of various objects, color mixing , bricks, railway tracks, confetti, emboss, flip, foam, kaleidoscope, mosaic etc. They also name their drawing.

   In G Compris - They try their little hands on various educational games on G Compris which include all the skills required to develop their little brains. Some of the games practiced so far are related to arithmetic skills, logical thinking, problem solving, brainstorming, games improving typing speed, and improving hand and eye coordination.  Few examples of such games are- chess, weighing game, join the dots, completing the words with sound, the sequence game, memory game and finding the differences.

The children are also encouraged to work on Wordpad which allows them to improve their typing skills. Generally a topic is given, discussed and then the children are given a chance to express their ideas through typing. Some of the activities done so far are:- paragraph writing on ‘myself ’ and ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ of computer lab etc.  

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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "