Anti-Crackers Rally

The Eco Club students of Arwachin International School, Dilshad Garden were taken for an Anti-Crackers Rally to the areas around the school on 25 October 2019.

The students went along with the teachers and held some posters and banners saying “No To Crackers”. They created awareness about the harmful effects of burning crackers. They also marched around the school and raised many slogans like “Don’t Be Mean, Go Green” and Hamari dharti hum hi bachayein, bina patakhe diwali manaye”.

The students also created awareness about how these crackers are harming our environment and polluting our Mother Earth. They sensitized people about the important role of the environment and nature in our lives.


Plantation Drive

The Eco Club students of Arwachin International School, Dilshad Garden were taken for a plantation drive to a deer park near the school on 20 August 2019.

The students along with the help of teachers and gardeners planted some saplings in the park. They also cleaned the surrounding areas by picking the waste material and plastic material which were lying there. They also marched in the park and raised many slogans likePedh lagao, Pedh bachao, Iss duniya ko sundar banao”.

The students were also made aware about the importance of planting trees. They were sensitized about the important role of the environment and nature in our lives.


Interactive Assembly of Eco club

Eco club students presented their interactive assembly on 20th December 2018, the theme was “ Save the Earth”.

The interactive assembly started with a song “I am the Earth” sung by class 4 .It was followed by a dance performance by the students of class 5 on the song “Mujhe mat kaato dukhta hai”. The students rendered a message that we must save the trees and plants to save ourselves.

Earth is the only known planet in the Universe where life is possible , and it is possible only because of the availability of water . There is very less percentage of safe clean drinking water available on the Earth.  A MIME was presented by the students of class  6 to depict the importance of water.

The assembly was concluded with the National Anthem.


Plantation Drive -an Eco club activity

Arwachin International School has initiated a small step to create and develop awareness and a sense of ecological environment among our students. It is also a noble responsibility to inculcate  the benefits of raising plantation, kitchen garden etc in a student’s mind and to take different biodiversity improvement measures through different activities of our eco-club.

This idea was encouraged and enhanced by the Principal, Mrs.Swapna Nair. A plantation programme was conducted in the school on 4th of Dec’2018 .The students and the teachers of the Eco-Club along with the principal planted different kinds of saplings outside the school campus.

A bamboo fence was also constructed to encourage the vertical garden in the premises as an Eco development  programme as per the guidelines and instruction of the state government and the central government.


Eco club report

(May 2018)

Making of a theme based Notebook : The students have covered their notebooks with green color chart showing a hand labelled with the five elements of life.(Panchbhuta) Through this they know that human body is made up of the five elements such as air, water, soil, sky , and fire. After death these five elements  (panchbhuta) gets dissimilated in its surrounding. So it is our social responsibility to take care of them to restore for future.


Herbs and Climbers Plantation by Eco Club Students

Date : 4-5-2018

Plants are very useful in our daily lives. They reduce the amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere so that the carbon cycle could be stabilized. Thus, arises the need of conservation of environment. The students of eco and science club have planted saplings of various herbs and climbers in the school campus. Planting these herbs in the school campus will not only increase the beauty and greenery of the school but also help to accomplish the mission of Green and Clean India.

Students enthusiastically participated in the activity under the supervision of their teachers Mrs. Sunita Suri,Ms. Ambika Verma and Mrs. Anju Sirohi. Such activities help the students to inculcate values and life skills. Overall it was an interesting and informative experience. The students were fully engrossed in the activity and went back with an enriching experience.



The Eco Club and the Health and Wellness club of Arwachin International school organized an anti cracker campaign before Diwali on 27th  Oct 16. As we know that the air quality of Delhi has declined to a very dangerous level it was an initiative taken by the students to sensitize the society about the need of reducing the use of crackers. Students made anti cracker posters and slogans and conducted a rally in Dilshad Garden. A street play was prepared by the students which drew a lot of public attention.



Mega Plantation Drive

The  ECO-CLUB students of Arwachin International School ,along with their Eco-club teachers, participated in the Mega Plantation Drive at Bela Farm, Shastri Park ,Delhi. The event was organized by the Department of Environment and Forests, Govt. of NCT Delhi on 22nd July 2016.

The students got an opportunity to know how to plant a tree sapling in a pit and how to cover the pit and its importance. Around 1000 students from different schools of Delhi participated in the programme.  Some of the school children staged some Nukkad Natak to sensitize people and gave a strong message on the threat to the environment and how to keep our surrounding clean and green. Departmental ministers and Mp’s addressed the crowd and made the audience aware about the rules, facilities from government and benefits of planting the trees. Each participant was wearing a cap and a T-shirt (provided by the organizers) with the slogan “PLANT A TREE, SAVE THE PLANET “.

 The whole scene was a treat for the eyes of the audience and a great learning experience for the participants.



A quiz competition was conducted by the Eco Club of our school on 22nd Jan, 2016 with a motive to create awareness regarding the conservation of petroleum fuels.

The Mankind on this earth is exploiting the non-renewable sources of energy, specially coal and petroleum at a much faster rate than they are replenished.  Rather than using the resources judiciously and conserving them, the rate of utilization of these minerals has increased tremendously over a few years. Excessive overuse of such minerals not only results in energy crisis but also affects our environment adversely.

Therefore in order to create awareness about the present scenario among the budding minds, this quiz was conducted.  The theme of the quiz was-“Indhan ho swachh Jan gan rahe swasth”.

40 students of our school participated in the quiz with great zeal and enthusiasm. The competition included 2 rounds. Only 10 students got qualified for the second round. It was a neck to neck competition. The winners of the competition are-

Nishtha Kaushik             X-C               

Himanshu Garg              X-B

Shruti Rao                       IX-C

Harsh Wardhan              X-A


      A Rally for the Awareness of

Celebrating Eco-Friendly Diwali

Arwachinians are never away from their duty to protect our mother nature. In solidarity with the Government of Delhi, we also joined our hands to empower the campaign to reduce the use of crackers this Diwali. The ‘Eco – club’ and the ‘Health and Wellness club’ of our school jointly organized a rally in Dilshad Garden on 7th November, 2015 to sensitize the citizens about the harmful effects of crackers.

Children made posters and banners with slogans written on them. These slogans explained how the use of crackers cause noise and air pollution and how it makes the life difficult for people like patients with respiratory diseases, babies, old citizens and even animals and birds.

Our efforts were highly appreciated by the people of the area. 




On 27th July 2015 the students of the Eco Club (Classes 7 – 12) of  Arwachin International School celebrated the Vanmahotsava.  The aim of this celebration was to educate the students and create an awareness among the people about the importance of planting trees.

On 27th July, a talk show was organised in which PEEPAL BABA, the man who has planted more than one crore trees, addressed the students. He informed the students why plantation is important and persuaded them to plant more and more trees. Later the students of our school planted about eighty saplings of mother plants in and around the school campus. Our Chairman Mr. Arun Sharma, Principal Mrs. Gracy Peter and Peepal baba encouraged the children by planting the first tree in the school premises. The students carried their posters and slogans on the theme ‘Save Trees’ which had been prepared by them in their club periods. They also tried to motivate the general public by showing their posters. The students were also given saplings so that they can plant them at their homes or in the park near their house.

The teachers also motivated them to own the trees and take care of them. The students were very delighted to take a step ahead and give their contribution to make the Mother Earth greener.



                              INTERNATIONAL BIODIVERSITY DAY-22ND MAY

The Eco club of  AIS celebrated international biodiversity day .The club organized poster making and essay writing competition . The club organised poster making and essay writing competition. The selected entries were sent to the Ministry of Environment. Govt. of Delhi.



Swachch Bharat Abhiyan

Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Keeping this in mind the students of the Arwachin International School is taking the initiative, emphasizing on its importance in the lives of people. The students of Health & Wellness club visited the neighbouring slum area to educate the people residing there and make them aware of the need of a clean environment. On 1st December after cleaning the school grounds they formed small groups and went to the neighbouring slum area. While interacting with shopkeepers the students made them aware about the Swachch Bharat Abhiyan and also motivated them for the same.

A similar initiative was undertaken on 8th December 2014 when the students of Eco club took the matter in their own hands cleaning the District Park, Dilshad Garden under the able guidance of their teachers Mrs. Srigil and Mrs. Sen. They cleaned the Deer park which was very badly littered by the public and collected a lot of non- biodegradable waste.

Students spent one hour in the park collecting waste from every nook and corner, and finally it made a large heap which they also brought into the notice of the workers who were responsible to clean the park. The students got great appreciation from the general public for taking such an initiative. But they were sad to see that there were no dustbins in the park.  



Plantation Drive

The students of the Eco-club(junior)of our school participated in a rally and the plantation drive programme organized by the department of Environment and Forest ,Delhi at Shashtri Metro park area on 12th August 2014 .The Hon’ble Governor of Delhi Mr.Najeeb Jung inaugurated  the programme. He acquainted the students, the active social workers and the gathering with the importance of plantation and cleanliness in human life.The school children planted the saplings and got caps and T-shirts with the logo-Green Delhi—Clean Delhi. Mrs.Alaka Misra and Mrs.Rachna Kaur along with 38 students witnessed the programme and came enriched with the ideas of how to contribute to keep our environment clean.






On 25th July 2014 the students of the Health and Wellness Club  & the Eco Club of  Arwachin International School celebrated the Vanmahotsava.   Earlier During their club periods they had already made  posters and slogans on the theme Save Trees.

On 25th July they planted 4 saplings of Arjun tree in the school premises and went out of the school to plant 16 more saplings of Arjun tree in a neighbouring park.  Our Academic Director Mrs. S. Swarup encouraged the children by planting the first tree in the school premises. The students also tried to motivate the general public by chanting slogans on the need to save trees.

The teachers also motivated them to own the trees and take care of them. Students were very delighted to do their bit to save trees in order to make the earth greener.


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