English Drama Club Interactive Assembly (Classes 4-6)

To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one nation, one flag.’ -                                                                                                                         Pauline Hanson
On 23rd January, 2019, the students of English Drama Club conducted an assembly on the theme-‘Patriotism’ to celebrate the 70th Republic day, in the school auditorium.

The assembly commenced with a street play presented by the students of classes 4 and 5, showcasing the Fundamental Duties which every citizen must fulfill towards the nation as directed by the Constitution of India. The students also took a pledge to abide by the constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.

Next was a skit on the significance of Republic Day and how it came into being was presented by the students of class-6. The students acknowledged the sacrifices done by our unsung heroes and promise to dedicate themselves to build a stronger and better India. The assembly ended with the National Anthem.


English drama Club Assembly

On 21st Jan’19, the students of Primary English Drama Club presented the assembly. They presented a play depicting the importance of Green Diwali. The children got together and tried to put the message across in a very simple way. The ill-effects of using crackers were highlighted and the main message of having a noise free and pollution free Diwali was shared.


English Drama Club (Classes-4-6)

‘Dramatisation is the best way to express our thoughts and convey social messages’

English drama Club organizes Debate and Drama sessions for the students to enhance their communicating, speaking and acting skills. The students get guidelines to improve their gestures, creativity, stage-craft and acting skills. The students are divided into groups and asked to prepare dramas on the given themes, topics, text-book lessons and real-life situations.

On 5th November, the students of class-6 prepared a drama on the topic-‘Crackerless Diwali’. The students presented the drama showcasing the repercussion of bursting crackers. The events in the drama echoed the message that we should have a safe Diwali by not bursting crackers.

All the activities and role-plays done by the students during the English Drama Club classes prove to be wonderful experiences that are full of knowledge.



ENGLISH DRAMA CLUB (classes 1-3)

With the aim of creating awareness among the students about the tremendous air pollution caused due to bursting of crackers, the Anti Cracker Campaign was launched in Arwachin International School. The activities were organized Club-wise.

English Drama Club prepared a play – “LET’S CELEBRATE GREEN DIWALI” and pledged to say “NO” to crackers and “YES” to pollution free Diwali. The teachers encouraged them to gift our Mother Earth a tree this Diwali instead of harmful smoke of crackers.



The aim of the club is to inculcate among students love for language and enhance the literary skills.

The club provides a platform for:

  • Debating: To encourage students to become orators to display their intellectual and independent thinking skills and imbibe a sense of confidence.
  • Speech and Drama: To promote communication skills of students and help in team work, ability to speak and emote before an audience thereby increasing the emotional quotient of the students.

In the months of April and May, various activities were conducted. Students debated on the following topics:-

  • Facebook should be banned for children below 18 years of age.
  • Reading hours should be allotted in the school.

Students were divided into two groups - one group to speak in favour of the motion and another one against the motion. Both the groups were given time to prepare their content and then they presented their well coherent ideas and enjoyed the activity.

Students presented following acts and situations based on their own choice:-

  • Real life situation (Corruption)
  • Comedy act (Not to use crackers)
  • An imaginary act ( Fairy tale)
  • An act on the story that they have read so far in Literature ( class7- Ravens to Rescue; class 8- Shoes for Chander and class 9- The Sound of Music – Evelyn Glennie)


Students were divided into three groups according to their class and they presented their plays on the above mentioned themes. It enhanced their various skills like writing scripts, dialogue delivery and acting.





Debate is a wonderful platform that provides students with a change from the norm and allows them to learn and use new and different skills.

In English Drama and Debate Club students are given a topic. This involves researching the topic deeply and having a skill to argue for or against it.  By using this critical thinking and working together as a team, both before and during the debate, help them to learn important skills about cooperation and trust. This further enhances public speaking skills. This year the students debated on the following topics-

  1. Mothers should be housewives.
  2. School should provide mid-day meals to the students.
  3. Vegetarianism is a way of life.
  4. Uniform should be banned.
  5. Cell phones should be allowed to the students.

The students debated on the above mentioned topics under the supervision of the club teachers. At the end of the session, ‘The Best Debater’ and ‘The Best Team’ were announced to motivate and encourage the teams.

On 27th July, 2018 English Drama Club conducted a session on ‘Road Safety’. Students were divided into two groups. Group 1, consisting of class-6 students, got engaged in a discussion on causes, consequences and measures that can be taken to curb road rage. Group 2, consisting of classes-4-5, enacted various situations on roads. Students acted as vehicles, pedestrians and traffic police.  Session aimed at spreading awareness about various safety measures that should be taken while walking or driving on the roads.


  English Drama Club

Classes 1-3

The English Drama club focuses on developing not only the acting abilities of the students, but also to enable them to express their emotions with the help of facial expressions, voice modulation and body language.  Various activities are planned to enhance these skills in the students.

The new session began with small activities like enacting- single words, movie names, copying each other etc… the purpose was to make the students comfortable and free with themselves and with the people around them. This was followed by a story narration of a play- The Three trees. The students watched a video and had a brief discussion on the same. The moral was to have faith in the almighty.

The students themselves chose the characters they wanted to play. After several practice sessions, the students performed the play in the class. After every performance the audience in the class appreciated the performers. 


English Debate and Drama Club (Classes 4-6)

Debate and drama develop skills that sharpen students’ ability to think and listen carefully. They even articulate their thoughts confidently and persuasively. It enhances their ability to think critically and boost their confidence. They gain important life skills.

In the year 2017-18, the students of classes 4 to 6 were actively involved in conducting various sessions of debate. The topics that were taken up were:-

  • All the professions are gender biased.
  • Co-ed schools are better option for children.
  • Science is a threat to humanity.
  • Mothers are more loving than fathers

These sessions gave the students an opportunity to get an insight about their belief system and also to respect others’ perspectives.

Through creative art, students learn to comprehend their world better and are better equipped to navigate the challenges of life. Drama provides an opportunity of self expression. It’s a great way to build self confidence and is particularly beneficial for introvert and reserved children.

The students were given various real life situations. Each situation had a challenge and the students had to come up with a solution. In addition to it the students prepared three plays which were staged on 27/7/17 in the auditorium. The names of the plays are as follows:

  • Six  Greatest Fools
  • Munduka, the Great Astrologer
  • Gulshan, the Inauspicious Woman

The students developed tolerance, empathy and communication skill which are central to debate and drama. Someone has rightly said, ‘The future of our nation depends on our ability to create and be creative.’



The English Language Literary Drama and Debate Club is a platform for the budding writers, orators and actors. The goal of the club is to ensure that every member is equipped with the necessary skills to enable them to excel in drama, writing or debate. This also involves the skills for script-writing, stage craft, the play production process and public speaking.

Every member of the club is given the opportunity to develop their talents and to discover their best talents to excel confidently. All members are trained in the three linked disciplines of drama, writing and debate.

In drama, the students are taught the core basics of dramatic technique, vocal projections, awareness of body language, facial expressions, use of space etc.

In writing, the students are exposed to all the three literary genres, i.e, prose, poetry and drama.

In debate, all the students go through training on how to formulate and present arguments in response to assigned motions.

Time to time the club has been conducting various plays, debates and other oratory activities.

On the occasion of New Year, the students of the club prepared a drama titled, “STARS REBOUND”, based on the theme of new year resolutions and showcased it with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm.



English Drama Club (Classes 1-3)


English Drama Club organizes various activities to enrich the acting and speaking skills. Activities are planned on the basis of various life-skills like stage presentation, speaking skills, creative learning and spontaneous thinking.

Making stick-puppet for story telling was done in the class to make them understand the importance of props in dramatization. Students were divided into two groups and read moral-based stories in their respective groups- ‘Ali Baba and forty thieves’ and ‘the Donkey Coat.’ Later, they wrote the story as a play and enacted their roles.

Class-discussion on safety rules should be followed at various places like- School, home and road. Students were asked to enact the scenes of these places.

‘Mirror-Mirror’ activity was conducted to improve their facial expressions. In this, they were asked to repeat the dialogues of the teachers in the same manner. 


Life Skills through English Drama Club

(Classes 4-5)

Session – 2015-16

The drama classroom is one of the few places where real world life skills are taught. For example communication, self-confidence, self-evaluation, creative thinking, observational and team building skills. A change can be seen in the learners. We create teamwork and group work and just the kind of skills that will help them to be the best humans that they can be. They’re adaptable. We try and help them to learn the balance and be the problem solvers.

The students are able to gain mastery over their language. They refine their listening and speaking skill. They get a lot of great experiences and they can practice intonation and voice modulation.

They can try different emotions. They can pretend to play different characters that they don’t always get to be but maybe they want to experience those emotions and those feelings. For instance the children loved to enact the play on “Save Tiger”.

One of the other things we work on is forgiveness and, obviously, instant forgiveness in acting is very important. If something goes horribly wrong, the people on-stage smile, nod and keep going. To be able to have instant forgiveness – not just for yourself but for your peer who has messed up the line – is something that we really do work on a lot so that the end performance goes as smoothly as it can. One of the students who forgot his piece of dialogues on stage was beautifully covered by the other student and the show concluded successfully. This invokes a sense of team spirit in them. As it is rightly said “The show must go on.”

Drama club aims at developing the overall personality of a child by teaching him various life skills which is the need of the hour.


English Drama Club Activity


Tell me and I’ll forget

Show me and I’ll remember

Involve me and I’ll understand

                                                                                                    -Chinese proverb

Drama club plays an important role for stimulating creativity in children. It changes students’ perceptions. A student can, if only for a few moments, become Another and experiment with various personal choices and solutions. It allows the children to communicate with a lot of confidence.

All those students who are a part of the Drama Club have less difficulty to speak in public.

On   06/05/2016, the students enacted two plays on the stage. Group 1 presented “The Merchant’s gold chain’’

 Group 2 presented “Alladin and zebunissa”

They exhibited a lot of confidence. All the best for future ventures.


Activities conducted by English Drama Club for the whole year

English Drama Club aims at promoting drama as a form of art and boosting students’ English proficiency through drama activities. They help students to get comfortable, warmed up, and focused. Acting games also develop important skills required for acting and performing.

Drama appreciation activities, both inside and outside the school, are arranged throughout each academic year in order to raise students’ interest in drama and their abilities to understand dramas of different styles.

We also encourage potential students to join different inter-school English drama competitions, in order to broaden their horizons and boost their confidence in using English.

Moreover, senior drama club members are appointed as Drama Mentors, who are responsible for coaching junior form students in their preparations for various inter-class and inter-school drama competitions.

Many activities were incorporated like Moving Name, the best game to start with when working with a new group. In this the child has to say his name with a matching gesture and vocalization. Once you have performed your name, the whole group mimics you. The other one was DVD in which the students were given different situations and they had to make their own short skits and had to perform. There were more other games also like Changing Characters and Opposite game etc.

So, at the end, the objective of the Dramatic Club “Action Play” is to inspire the students to use their creative and artistic abilities to give some social message to the world. It promotes creative expression through the art of theater and live performance.

After all, drama is all about collaborative efforts and irreplaceable memories!


     English Drama Club

        (15th Oct. 2015)

Dramatization is an age old art. It plays a major role in enhancing the creative potential of the earners. It facilitates the teaching learning process. It provides a platform to the students to express their emotions and feelings.

English drama club of classes IV to VI consists of eleven students. They are proactive in dramatizing various stories. They have brought many stories alive by spicing them with their emotions.

The students have so far enacted six plays. The name of the plays is as follows:

  •  Paapbudhi and Dharmabudhi
  • Shakuntala
  • Bullying others
  • True Happiness
  • Doctor Doctor
  • The man who wanted to fly
  • These days the students are busy preparing a new drama. The title of the play is “The kidnapper.” It will be staged during the interactive assembly in the month of November.




The aim of the English Drama Club is to nurture the acting and the speaking skills of the students. Keeping this in mind, each week is planned. Various educational videos and story-narration are done regularly during the club periods, for the visual – auditory learning. Teachers guide the students about the gestures, voice modulations and body language while dramatizing any scene.

The students have been practicing for the play, titled-‘Where has the water gone?’, based on the theme of ‘Save Water’, today (14th Oct’15) they enacted the scene-4 and scene-5. Under the constant guidance of the teachers, the students were able to enact their assigned roles.


            English Debate and Drama Club

The students of the English Drama Club practised for the plays “The Lantern And The Fan” and “Some Kings Can Be Cruel” on the stage. The students enacted very confidently.

The students of the English Debate Club club presented their views on the topic “Six evaluations are better than two evaluations a year” . The session heated up as it progressed. The students were able to think out of the box to provide solution to the existing pattern of evaluation. It was an eye opener as it provided an insight to the level of thinking of the students.

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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "