School Uniform

School Uniform

Summer Uniform

April 1 to October 31


  1. Off white half sleeved shirt with school logo on pocket.
  2. Multi pleated knee length shorts cum skirt with logo.
  3. Off white long socks with grey border (Classes 6-12).
  4. Black highly polished round toed girls shoes (Velcro straps/laced).
  5. School Belt.


  1. Off white shirt with logo on pocket.
    1. Grey shorts with check border (Class 1-5)

(Length: One inch above the knees).

  1. Grey Pants with logo (Classes 6-12).
  1. Off white socks with grey border.
  2. Black highly polished shoes (Velcro strap/laced) shoes.

House Uniform

House Uniform to be worn on Day 3

  1. House T-shirts (Red/Blue/Green/Yellow)
  2. Grey Melange Lowers

Winter Uniform

November 1 to March 31


  1. White long sleeved shirt, with logo.
  2. Midnight blue woollen trousers.
  3.  Midnight blue neckband.
  4. Grey sweater with navy blue border all over.
  5. Navy blue jacket with grey and navy blue stripes on sleeves & bottom.
  6. Midnight blue socks.
  7. Black highly polished round toed shoes (Velcro straps/ laced).
  8. School Belt.
  9. Grey Woollen cap.


  1. White long sleeved shirt, with logo.
  2. Midnight blue woollen trousers.
  3. Dark navy blue with white striped tie with logo.
  4. Grey sweater with navy blue border all over.
  5. Navy blue jacket with grey & navy blue stripes on sleeved & bottom.
  6. Midnight blue socks.
  7. Black highly polished round toe shoes (Velcro straps/Laced)
  8. School Belt.
  9. Grey woollen cap.

Pre-Primary winter (Girls and Boys)

  1. Blue long sleeved shirt.
  2. Midnight navy blue trousers with logo.
  3. Grey sweater with navy blue border all over.
  4. School jacket.
  5. Black Shoes with Velcro straps.
  6. Midnight blue socks.
  7. School belt.

Pre-Primary summer


  1. Orange T-shirt with logo on pocket.
  2. Blue Denim pants.
  3. Black Shoes with Velcro Straps.
  4. White and Navy blue socks.


  1. Pink T-shirt with logo on pocket.
  2. Blue Denim Pants.
  3. Black shoes with Velcro straps.
  4. White and navy blue socks.


  1. Underwear must be worn under the winter and summer uniforms.
  2. It’s highly recommended that every student should have minimum of three sets of uniform.
  3. Please place your order well in time if your child needs a custom made uniform as only standard sizes are available in the uniform shop.
  4. No student is to come to school out of uniform. (This includes the wrong colour of Trousers, cardigans, Jackets or any item specified above.) Please Note: Any item that is out of uniform will be confiscated.
  5. Boys need to have well-trimmed haircut.
  6. Girls need to neatly tie their hair.
  7. No hair colours are allowed.
  8. No studs for boys.

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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "