Interactive Assembly

Dramatics Club & Science Club (1-4)

On 26th November, 2019, the students of Dramatics Club and Science club conducted an assembly on the theme-‘E-Waste’ in the school.

The assembly commenced with a message giving skit by the students of classes 1, 2 and 3 from Dramatics Club on “What is E-waste?” which was followed by the performance of the children on the song “E- waste”. A poem was also narrated on e-waste named “Wah, Kya baat hai!” On the other hand, the students of classes 4 & 5 presented a street play (Nukkad Natak) on 3R’s - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The students were sensitized to take care of the mother earth and the waste which has created the havoc. The young Arwachinians created awareness among the audience regarding the pollution hazards created by the waste and the compilation of E- Waste. The audience keenly watched the play and it was applauded by them in the end.

The students of Dramatics Club of classes 4 & 5 also presented an English play based on punctuations. It was a fun way to teach students, the importance of punctuation – a subject which is tedious and boring, in an innovative manner.

The students of science club were also a part of the assembly. They made the audience aware about the harmful effects of not disposing e-waste properly. They gave the solution of selling the useless e-waste to the recyclers or donating the still working electronic gadgets to the people who need it.

Our respected Principal, Mrs. Nair graced the occasion with her presence. She was thoroughly impressed, the way the students prepared and performed on the stage. She appreciated the efforts of all the participants as well as the teachers. The event was concluded with the National Anthem.


SCIENCE CLUB (2018-19)

(Classes 1-3)

Self-expression, independent research, constructive activities, etc., are some of the opportunities provided by the science clubs. Students can learn more through the activities and their own experiments and clarify general scientific concepts. The coordination between the classroom and the science clubs help the students to complete their curriculum in a subtle way. Science clubs are sometimes considered as the backbones of the curricular activities in the school.


Sink or float -  The students enjoyed the experiment on sink or float in the science club. They collected several things like eraser, metal ruler, plastic ruler, sharpener, pin, a leaf, an empty bottle, a pencil paper clip etc. They put them one by one into a bucket of water and observed whether they sink or float. They noted down their observation on the board. They actively participated in the discussion as to why  some objects sink and  some  float.


They also watched a video on sink or float.

SKILLS Observation and  sorting.



Self-expression, independent research, constructive activities, etc., are some of the opportunities provided by the science clubs. Students can learn more through the activities and their own experiments and clarify general scientific concepts. The coordination between the classroom and the science clubs help the students to complete their curriculum in a subtle way. Science clubs are sometimes considered as the backbones of the curricular activities in the school.

The students of Science Club were engaged in different activities during their club periods throughout the year.


  • Fun with magnets Using magnets, they went around in the class and identified  magnetic and non-magnetic objects. They wrote their observation on a sheet and drew 5 magnetic and 5 non-magnetic things.

SKILLS Observation and  sorting


  • Sink or float -  The students brought several things like eraser, metal ruler, plastic ruler, sharpener, pin, a leaf, an empty bottle, a pencil etc. they put them one by one into a bucket of water and observed whether they sink or float.

SKILLS Observation and  sorting.


  • Balloon rocketThe students made a balloon rocket using balloons, straw and tape. They inflated the balloon and inserted the straw on a thread tied from one end of the room to the other end. As they released the air from the balloon, it travelled quickly from one end to the other.  They enjoyed this activity the most.

SKILLS   Learnt that air pressure released from a thing pushes it forward. Understood how a rocket moves in the air.


  • Observing insects on the ground The students were taken to the school garden, where each student observed at least 5 insects and drew them in the club notebook. They found out what is common in all of them.

SKILLS - observation, sorting, concluding.



  • Collecting leaves  - The students collected fallen  leaves from the school garden and pasted  them in their club notebook.

SKILLS – Observing the different patterns of venation in the leaves


  • Phototropism – The students picked a small plant from the school garden and planted it in an ice-cream cup. They put the cup in a shoe box with two holes at the side. They left it for one week. When they opened the next week, they observed that the plant started growing towards the holes. They concluded that the shoot system always grows towards the light.

SKILLS – Understood the concept of phototropism


  • Electrostatic force The Students were given small pieces of coloured paper. They took out their plastic rulers and combs, rubbed it against their hair and brought near to the pieces of paper. They observed that the paper pieces got attracted towards the comb or ruler.

SKILLS – Understood that all things have either negative or positive forces in them.

  • Put the parrot in  the cage The  Students drew a cage with door open and a parrot on a page. They drew a line in between. They took a ruler and put on the line. They brought their nose near  the scale. They felt as if the parrot was in the cage.

SKILLS - Learnt that when we see two different pictures together,   our brain combines them and we perceive it as one. Explored and found the same using a door and a boy etc.


  • Rain gauge – The students brought empty, transparent plastic bottles,  funnels and  big rulers. They made a rain gauge with it. After that they inserted them in the school ground with the help of the school gardener. They left them there for a week and then measured the amount of rainwater collected in it.

SKILLS Learnt that rain gauge is used to measure rainfall.


  • Surface tension of water – The students placed a paper clip on a piece of paper which was floating on water.

SKILLS – Concluded that water has surface tension.


  • Spectrum – The students coloured a circle with the colours of VIBGYOR in order and made a hole in the middle. They inserted a pencil and spun quickly. They observed that the spectrum looked as if it is of white colour.

SKILLS – Concluded that the white sunlight is made up of seven colours.


  • Magical ruler – The students took a metal scale, put the half of it hanging at the edge of the table. When they vibrated it quickly, they could hear a sound. Then put the scale at different positions, and observed the change in the sound.

SKILLS - Observed that a vibrating object can produce a sound and that the pitch can change if the length of the vibrating section is changed.


  • Balloon fight – The students inflated two balloons and tied them hanging onto a scale or stick. When they blew in between the balloons, the balloons came together as if they were fighting.

SKILLS - Experienced the air pressure.


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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "